Presentations and Events Schedule:

10AM: Civil Air Patrol in WWII and Tours of Battery 519

11AM: DE State Guard in WWII

11-30AM: 3-inch Artillery Gun Firing

12PM: Battery 519 Plotting Room Demonstration

1PM: Fort Miles Historical Association Film/Lecture Series Presentation, American Battle Monuments Commission (“ABMC”).

Thousands of American soldiers killed during World Wars I and II are buried in overseas cemeteries close to where they fell. ABMC, as guardian of America’s overseas commemorative cemeteries and monuments, is dedicated to honoring the service, achievements and sacrifice of soldiers serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Learn more about these cemeteries and monuments and the role played by the American Battle Monuments Commission to honor our war dead and administer a data base of more than 218,000 individuals buried or memorialized at ABMC sites. A senior representative from ABMC is expected to be on hand for this presentation.

All Film/Lecture Series events are free to the public. These presentations will be held in the Media Room, Battery 519, Fort Miles Museum. Enter Battery 519 through the Fort Miles Museum Artillery Park. Seating is limited – no advance reservations. For additional information call 302-645-0753. American Battle Monuments Commission.

1-30PM: Surrender Ceremony – German U-Boat 858 Surrendered at Fort Miles, 1945

2PM: Battery 519 Plotting Room Demonstration

3PM: 3-inch Artillery Gun Firing and Fort Miles Historical Association Wall of Honor Ceremony

3-30PM: Final Battery 519 Tour

Note: Ample free parking is available for those attending “Delaware Goes to War.” After entering Cape Henlopen State Park follow signs to the Main Beach Bathhouse. Shuttle buses will run between the parking area and Fort Miles throughout the day.