The FMHA “Museum Happenings” is published monthly to keep you up-to-date on Happenings at the Fort Miles Museum. This blog focuses on August and September. This blog will be updated monthly (or more frequently, as needed). 

NOTE: Updates often appear as highlighted boxes or banners on the Home Page. 


A 16-inch gun barrel that was on the turret of the USS Missouri in 1945, under which the Japanese Imperial Forces surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur, now sits at the top of the Fort Miles Museum Artillery Park. 

On Sunday, September 2nd, FMHA will salute the 800 men and women born in Delaware who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country during World War II. Following a recitation of General MacArthur’s speech that was given aboard the Missouri on September 2, 1945, the names of 100 of these men and women will be read at the ceremony. A chime from a vintage military bell will be rung as each name is announced. 

The salute will begin at 11 AM in front of the “Big Gun” at the top of the Artillery Park near the main entrance to The Fort Miles Museum’s Battery 519. Battery 519 will be open to the public from 10 AM – 2 PM allowing for free self-guided tours, with FMHA docents on hand to provide information regarding the numerous exhibits inside Battery 519. 

The Battery 519 Gift Shop will be open during these same hours, as well as the Visiting Artists Gallery. In addition to the Museum related items and novelties that can be purchased in the Gift Shop, visitors will also have the opportunity to purchase prints of works by artists Howard Schroeder and Paul Rendel located in the Visiting Artists Gallery. Original sketches completed in conjunction with the annual “Delaware Goes to War” open house that took place on April 28th will also be displayed and available for purchase. 

Please join us to salute this historic occasion and to visit The Fort Miles Museum and Historical Area at Cape Henlopen State Park. The Park does fill to capacity on holiday weekends, so please come early (and stay late!). 

Fort Miles Historical Association Battery 519 Sunday Tours Continue In August 

Tours of Battery 519 will be available on Sunday, August 5th and each Sunday through August 26th. Knowledgeable FMHA docents will conduct Battery 519 tours at 11 AM and 1:00 PM. The tours will start at the Fort Miles Museum Orientation Building/Visitor’s Center. The tour admission price is $5 for adults and children over 7. A $15 family rate is available. Additional tours may be added, as needed. There is a 30 person tour limit. Reservations can be made via the FMHA website ( The Fort Miles Museum Gift Shop Kiosk will be open inside the Orientation Building from 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM each Sunday. 

Tours of Battery 519 are also offered by Delaware State Parks’ interpretative guides.  See below for tour dates. 

Discovery Battery 519 guided tours of the Fort Miles Museum Artillery Park and Battery 519 led by Delaware State Parks’ interpretative guides will be held every Tuesday – Saturday through September 8th on the following schedule: 

  • Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday: 11 AM and 2 PM 
  • Tuesday and Friday:  2 PM 

These tours form at the Fort Miles Historical Area Orientation Building.  Call 302-644-5007 for required advance reservations and tour information. 

Battery 519 Lantern Tours:  For a night time view of Battery 519, sign-up for a Lantern Tour offered by Delaware State Parks’ interpretative guides. During August, these tours are offered each Wednesday and also on Saturday, August 4th and Saturday, August 18th. August tours start at 8:00 PM. Lantern Tour Reservations are required.  Please call Delaware State Parks at 302-644-5007.  

Cold War Bike Tour:  Ride along with a park historian to see the Cold War relics in Cape Henlopen State Park. Hear tales of Doomsday ships, spies, Soviet submarine tracking and more. Please bring your own bike. For ages 10 and older with an adult. Tour limit is 20 riders. Please call 302-644-5007 to pre-register. Bike tours are offered on the following Fridays at 10:30 AM: August 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st. 

Fort Miles Kids Games:  Tuesdays at 10 AM starting August 7th  – pick-up a full summer schedule at the Park office or go to  

Truckin’ Through History:  Take a ride on a vintage World War II transport truck to see lesser known remains of Fort Miles. Please call 302-644-5007 for details. For ages 7 and up accompanied by an adult. 

“Schroeder. An Artist at Fort Miles.” Howard Schroeder, the well known Lewes artist, served at Fort Miles and painted scenes of military life at Fort Miles while serving as part of the mine planting operation. His historic paintings, now hung in the Art of Fort Miles Gallery inside Battery 519, will be interpreted by a Delaware’ State Parks’ guide. The final summer Schroeder art tour will be offered on August 3rd at 11 AM.  This Friday tour is for ages 13 and older and requires advance reservations:  302-644-5007. 

Artillery Demonstration:  Each Thursday at 12:30 PM starting on August 2nd and concluding August 23rd, a historic interpreter will demonstrate the loading and firing of an artillery piece such as was located at Fort Miles during World War II. Free with paid Park entrance fee. 

Artillery Park Walk:  The Artillery weaponry that defended the Delaware coastline and shipping channels during World War II are displayed on individual pads throughout the Fort Miles Historical Area’s Artillery Park. An historic interpreter will guide you through the Artillery Park.  For ages 7 and up. Call 302-644-5007 for more details. Offered at 10:30 AM on Saturday, August 4th. Free with paid Park entrance fee. 

Many additional programs are offered at Cape Henlopen State Park during the summer months. These programs take place each Monday – Saturday, starting on June 25th. To learn more about these programs, including age restrictions and certain pre-registration requirements, and for information about Cape Henlopen State Park visit the Delaware State Parks website ( orcall 302-645-6852. The full 2018 Summer Program Guide is now available at the Park Office.