The FMHA “Museum Happenings” is published monthly to keep you up-to-date on Happenings at the Fort Miles Museum. This blog focuses on our fall events that take place in SEPTEMBER OCTOBER and NOVEMBER. This blog will be updated monthly (or more frequently, as needed). NOTE: Updates often appear as highlighted boxes or banners on the Home Page.

The very successful FMHA Summer Sunday Tour season ended August 26th. Hard working, dedicated FMHA docents and volunteers led tours for over 300 visitors and 1,500 people stopped by the Museum’s Orientation Building to learn about Fort Miles and shop at the Gift Shop’s Orientation Building kiosk.


  • September 13th: “Fort Miles and the Railroad”; Dr. Gary Wray at Lewes Chautauqua 
  • October 27th: Annual Fall Open House 
  • November 11th: Veterans Day Open House 
  • November 24th: Film/Lecture Series Resumes 

September 13th: “Fort Miles and the Railroad”

On September 13th at 2:15 PM, our own Dr. Gary Wray will speak at the 20th Annual Lewes Chautauqua. Dr. Wray’s subject, “Fort Miles and the Railroad,” was chosen in conjunction with the theme of the 2018 Chautauqua “All Aboard – Delaware and the Railroad.” “The Fort Miles and the Railroad” talk will take place under the tent on the grounds of the Zwaanendael Museum in Lewes. Dr. Wray will focus on the use of railroads at Fort Miles during World War II and discuss the last major load transported by the Delaware Coast Railroad in April, 2012 when the 128 ton USS Missouri barrel was transported by rail to Fort Miles. For information on all Chautauqua events, visit 

October 27th: Open House and Wall of Honor Ceremony

The annual FMHA Fall Open House will take place on Saturday, October 27th from 10 AM – 3 PM. Battery 519 at the Fort Miles Museum will be open for self-guided tours. FMHA docents will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about Museum exhibits and the operations at Fort Miles during World War II. Standard admission charges apply ($5 for adults and children over 7, with a $15 family rate available). Veterans are free. 

In addition to seeing the many World War II related exhibits, visitors will also have an opportunity to stop at “The Art of Fort Miles” gallery featuring the art works of Howard Schroeder painted while he was stationed at Fort Miles during WWII. The second Museum gallery, our “Visiting Artists Gallery,” will also be open. This gallery currently features sketches completed in conjunction with last April’s “Delaware Goes to War” event, as well as original military aircraft and other oil paintings by Paul Rendel. The sketches and prints of many of the paintings are available for purchase. Please also plan to visit the Museum’s Gift Shop, which will be open during the Open House hours and will close at 3PM. 

At 3 PM, the families and friends who purchased pavers to honor a military veteran will gather inside Battery 519 to have their pavers unveiled to join the numerous pavers that comprise the Museum’s Wall of Honor. The stories associated with each of these veterans are always compelling. 

November 11th: Veterans Day Open House

A Fort Miles Museum Battery 519 Open House will also take place on Veterans Day, Sunday, November 11th. Veterans will receive free admission to the Museum, with FMHA docents again on hand to discuss Battery 519 exhibits and Fort Miles history. The Battery 519 art galleries will also be open, as well as the Museum gift shop. 

November 24th: “The Attack on Pearl Harbor” – Film/Lecture Series Resumes

The FMHA sponsored film and lecture series featuring a wide range of World War II related topics resumes on Saturday, November 24th. The December 7, 1941 surprise Japanese attack on the US Navy base at Pearl Harbor will be presented by Dr. Gary Wray. Join Dr. Wray for his talk and film about what President Roosevelt called “a date that will live in infamy” and led to formal United States entry into World War II. 

This event starts at 11:15 AM in the Battery 519 Media Room. Occupancy regulations limit seating to the first 60 arrivals, so please plan accordingly. Museum doors will open at 10 AM and those wishing to attend the film/lecture may pick up free tickets at the Museum Gift Shop just inside the main entrance. While waiting for the event to get underway, visitors can do some holiday shopping at the Museum’s Gift Shop featuring an array of one-of-a-kind gifts. The Battery 519 Visiting Artists Gallery will also be open. As noted above, sketches, prints and two original paintings by Paul Rendel will be available for purchase. 


Discover Battery 519 are scheduled as follows: 

  • September: All Fridays at 1 PM;  Saturday, September 8th and Saturday, September 22nd at 11 AM and 2 PM 
  • October: All Fridays at 1 PM;  Saturday, October 6th at 11 AM and 2 PM 
  • November: All Fridays at 1 PM;  Saturday, November 10th and Saturday, November 17th at 11 AM and 2 PM 

Battery 519 Lantern Tours are scheduled as follows: 

  • September: Saturday, September 22nd at 6:30 PM 
  • October: Saturday, October 6th at 6:30 PM 
  • November: Saturday, November 17th at 5:30 PM 

These tours form at the Fort Miles Museum Orientation Building and are limited to 30 visitors. Call to register (302-644-5007). $5 per person, including adults. 

Truckin’ Through History – Tour Cape Henlopen State Park on an historic troop transport. 

  • September: Saturday, September 15th and Saturday, September 29th at 2 PM 
  • October: Saturday, October 13th and Saturday, October 20th at 2 PM 
  • November: Saturday, November 3rd at 2 PM 

Truckin’ Through History ride tickets ($8 per person) can be purchased at the Museum Orientation Building on Saturday mornings (starting at 10 AM) on a first come, first served basis. Maximum of 4 tickets per group and a 12 person limit per ride. These rides leave from the Parks’ campground office. 

Cold War Bike Tour – bring your bike to ride through Cape Henlopen State Park. 

  • September only: Saturday, September 15th at 10:30 AM 

This program is free and offered to ages 10 and up accompanied by an adult. Ride your bike along with a knowledgeable Delaware State Parks’ interpretative guide to see cold war relics located inside Cape Henlopen State Park. Hear about Doomsday ships, Soviet submarine tracking and more. There is a 30 person limit. Call 302-644-5007 to register.