At the September 28th Board of Directors meeting, FMHA sadly accepted the resignation of Merlin Beil from the Board. Merlin served on the FMHA Board for over 10 years and his first hand knowledge of military operations at Fort Miles post World War II and overall knowledge of the many structures that once comprised the fully operational Fort Miles during WWII will be missed. 

On August 1 1957, shortly after receiving a graduate degree from Theil College in Greenville PA, Merlin enlisted in the 42nd Detachment RECAT and was assigned to a top secret operation at Fort Miles. His unit launched remote controlled aerial target drones at Fort Miles, at which Merlin was stationed until 1960. 

The FMHA Board would like to thank Merlin for his long-standing service and volunteer efforts, as well Yvonne Beil, his wife of 61 years. Yvonne often volunteered at the Fort Miles Museum Gift Shop and her presence and graciousness will be missed. We wish them well!