On September 2nd, FMHA and a small group of attendees saluted the 75th anniversary of the Japanese surrender to Allied Forces ending World War II. This annual V-J Day ceremony honored 100 of the 774 Delawarians who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country in WWII. As Board Member Will Short and other board members read the names, Max Wray and Nic Schimmel, grandsons of FMHA president and founder, Dr Gary Wray, rung a bell made available by 92-year old Rudy Swanson, a WWII and Korean Conflict Marine veteran, who resides in Lewes. 

In these times, the words of General Douglas MacArthur resonate as read by Dr. Wray, “It is my earnest hope – indeed the hope of all mankind – that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world founded upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man the the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice.” 

FMHA Board Member, Docent Coordinator and V-J Event Host, Will Short, introduces the ceremony’s participants.

Marine Rudy Swanson salutes the flag.

Max Wray rings the memorial bell as the name of a World War II Delaware casualty is read by Board Member Beverly Dalecki.

The names of a World War II Delaware casualties are read by Board Member Beverly Dalecki.

Dr. Gary Wray explains the significance of VJ-Day and reads General MacArthur’s surrender speech under the USS Missouri artillery barrel on display in the Fort Miles Museum’s Artillery Park.

Thanks to the honor guard from American Legion Post 28 who presented the colors and closed the ceremony with “Taps.”