On May 22nd, as part of his tour of Cape Henlopen State Park, Governor John Carney toured Battery 519, along with Delaware’s new Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Control, Shawn Garvin. The Governor’s tour was hosted by Ray Bivens, Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation, and Dr Gary Wray, President of FMHA. This photograph features Governor Carney, Secretary Garvin, Director Bivens and their FMHA hosts in the South Gun Room of Battery 519.

On June 17th, FMHA was represented at the annual Delaware State Parks Friends Group meeting at the Delaware Aquatic Center in Smyna. Director Ray Bivens and other senior Delaware State Parks’ staff members presented DSP’s goals for 2017 and facilitated an active full day discussion of how the Friends Groups can utilize the resources of DSP to help achieve their individual goals and objectives.

In late June, FMHA was awarded a display case at the new Lewes Community Center which has been established at the former Lewes Library location. During July, the FMHA Board, Executive Director Mark Chura and FMHA Bunker Buster volunteers will complete the design of FMHA’s display and install the initial exhibits and Fort Miles Museum information into the case.